Honestly, I take issue with the fact that you imply that anyone who doesn't agree with you is not "sane" .
as it is often just an excuse to not try and understand the plight of your opponents on both sides. and isnt very intellectually honest.... Politics are Nuanced to an absurd degree... to paint anyone as insane is simply un-helpful... and is what got us to where we are now... we are so polarized that riots are taking place in the street between extremist.
though ill admit its the pinnacle of Fairness compared to what the hillary camp tried to do... demonizing half the Country and then wondering... how on earth you lost... those "Basket of Deplorable s" had more reason to hate you then the fact you were a women, Hillary.
but i'm not here to talk politics...
in general i feel this captures the frustration you were likely feeling concisely.
Both trump and hillary where terrible choices after all.... it was the choice between a known evil and and incompetent man who cant ditch his twitter.... id argue Bernie would be good for this generation in the short term and destroy the future of country for the long term. thus i couldn't vote for him.... and im doing it again.... T.T.. FML.
anyway, Great work!